SEOs Tell The Story of Their First Link

There’s no better feeling than seeing a pretty blue hyperlink to your website on someone else’s. It’s magical knowing that you were able to do something so wonderful, that someone else deemed it worthy of sharing with others. It’s even more magical when you’re able to convince a person to add that pretty blue hyperlink to their website.

Do you remember the first time that happened? I bet you got quite a rush, and I bet you’ll never forget. These SEOs haven’t forgotten the story of losing their link virginity. The stories range from a little gray/black hat, to directory submissions, to impossibly easy wins.

So sit back, and let these SEOs tell you a little story about the first link they built. Enjoy.

Click on one of these beautiful faces to read their story!

Alessio Madeyski  Annalisa Hilliard  Bill Sebald  Chris Gilchrist  David Cohen  Donny Rhoades

Ethan Lyon  Gaz Copeland  Hillary MacBain  Joel Klettke  John-Henry Scherck  Jon Cooper

Joshua Titsworth  Kane Jamison  Michael Kovis  Nick Eubanks  Paddy Moogan  Peter Attia

Rob Toledo  Ross Hudgens  Ryan McLaughlin  Saurav Rimal  Sean Revell  Sean Smith
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Posted in Link Building, SEO | 34 Comments

Vehicle Registration Fees By State

I’ve moved across the country twice within the last year, and have lived in 3 states throughout that time. Safe to say, it’s a lot of stress, paperwork, and annoying errands. The biggest pain for me was dealing with my car. I spent far too much time procrastinating figuring out how to go about switching my drivers license, license plates, registration, insurance, etc.

Of the 3 months I’ve spent in Pennsylvania so far, the last thing I’ve wanted to do was go through the ‘switch all your shit over’ process. But, while begrudgingly doing some research, I realized a lot of this information wasn’t easily digestable. So I decided to play around with a simple fusion table that displays the cost to register your vehicle in each state. Knowing vehicle registration fees for each state could be handy for those who tend to move around from state to state.

The data presented here only represents the costs to register a motor vehicle, not a motorcycle or truck or rocket ship. Be aware, also, that in some states, things like the weight of the vehicle, its age, and/or depreciated value can have an effect on the fees associated with registering your car. Each state differs with the way in which it bases its fees. For more info than you could ever care to read about this stuff, you can find it all here.

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Laughing At Google

Hey SEOs. Newsflash: we aren’t the only ones who pathetically obsess about Google all day.

We live in such an SEO-focused, algorithm-chasing, analytics-devouring bubble that it can be easy to forget that other people use Google, and it’s not part of their jobs. It’s part of their daily lives.

Sometimes comedians have just as intense of a love-hate relationship with Google as we do. Looks like they, too, need to get a life : )


Pete Holmes suggests that Google is ruining lives because we have the ability to know everything but we “aren’t a lick smarter for it.”

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A Mother’s Love… for SEO

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why my mom is amazing. She takes an interest in the silly things I occupy my time with, which, in my opinion, is a sign of true love. She never ceases to surprise me with her hilarious texts, SEO-related Facebook activity, and witty quotables.

After I told her to search Google for “how to sew pointe shoes”, this is the text I received.

THAT is the question.
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Posted in Personal, SEO | 9 Comments

Cross Country Road Trip: Day 4

The novelty is wearing off. Are we there yet? <insert more apathetic and impatient complaints>

McKayla Disappointed
Doing my best McKayla impression on Day 4

The closer we get to the east coast, the grayer the skies get, and the more it starts to feel like home.

I’ve got 6% battery life left on the laptop and an awful Internet connection. Setting the record for my fastest blog post written… and GO!
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Cross Country Road Trip: Day 3

After only sleeping for about 5 hours last night, and enduring our longest leg of the trip so far, you’ll have to forgive me for a half-assed recap. It’s already hard enough to write these at the end of a long day while resisting the urge to make inappropriate jokes. Give me some credit.

Day 3 Game Plan:

Get to the Hyundai dealership as soon as it opens to get the oil changed, car washed, and on the road! The goal was to make it from Amarillo, TX to St. Louis, MO, making it the longest leg of the trip so far. SUCCESS.

Upland to Flagstaff to Amarillo to Pacific Missouri
Getting closer

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Posted in Cross Country Road Trip, Personal | 4 Comments

Cross Country Road Trip: Day 2

Remember when I told you yesterday how these posts might be pretty boring because most of the country is empty except for major cities? I have a feeling today is going to be one of those posts. The most exciting thing today was the beautiful start to the morning in the second half of Arizona, when mom and I whistled the entire Nutcracker suite through what we referred to as “winter f-ing wonderland”.
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Cross Country Road Trip: Day 1

Hi friends. Welcome to the documentation of my 2,770 mile trip across these beautiful United States. I decided to “live-blog” my journey for a few reasons. For those of you who don’t know, I am moving from Upland, CA to Philadelphia, PA for a new job at SEER Interactive (!!!). Since I don’t have a place in Philadelphia yet, I’m driving to my parent’s home in New York in the meantime.

This is the type of experience that is likely to happen no more than once or twice in a lifetime, and not something that every person might get to experience, so I thought I would share the journey with you.
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Posted in Cross Country Road Trip, Personal | 8 Comments

Farewell California

Dear California,

It’s weird to think about the series of events that led me to you so quickly, and the ones taking me away just as fast.

Back in high school and college, I used to hate when girls would say “everything happens for a reason” just as they spewed out every other regurgitated Sex-and-the-City-esque quote they could think of. They were just immature girls, with barely any life experience to shake a stick at. How could they know? However, the older I get, the more I realize how true that cliched statement really is.

You see, because if I never fell madly in love back in college with a boy who decided to attend medical school here, I never would have moved to the base of your beautiful San Bernardino mountains.
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Using Great Nonprofits for Link Building

This is what I looked like when I found

We all know link building isn’t easy, and I must preface this post by telling you that I don’t consider myself an “expert”. But this was almost too easy.

I was searching for local non-profit organizations that a client could sponsor in hopes for a link and discovered Great Nonprofits. Then I did the Momma June dance and got to work.
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Posted in Link Building, SEO | 20 Comments